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Useful information


(Please note that websites listed on this pages are outside the domain of Responsibility for their content cannot be accepted).





Websites                                    The Australian Tinnitus Association                                     The British Tinnitus Association                                                   The American Tinnitus Association               A UK website with useful hearing loss and tinnitus information                                   The Australian Hearing website                                   The Hyperacusis Network, a self help resource for suffers with information and a messageboard





Living with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis  by Dr L McKenna, Dr D Baguely and Dr D McFerran.  Sheldon Press, 2010


Tinnitus. A Self-Management Guide for the Ringing in Your Ears by  J Henry and P Wilson.  Allyn and Bacon.  2002


White paper


"Therapies to help with your tinnitus" : Produced by 'Action on Hearing Loss' in the U.K.  To view this paper, click here:




Dr Anna Kittle, Clinical Psychologist in Sydney. CBT Treatment and therapy for tinnitus. Managing disorders associated with hearing and sound intolerance e.g hyperacusis, misophonia and phonophobia.  There is presently no established  'misophonia' treatment . Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques can be used to help individuals manage these conditions.Dr Anna Kittle, Clinical Psychologist in Sydney. CBT Treatment and therapy for tinnitus. Managing disorders associated with hearing and sound intolerance e.g hyperacusis, misophonia and phonophobia. There is presently no established 'misophonia' treatment . Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques can be used to help individuals manage these conditions.

 Make an Appointment    (Note: all appointments are now   via telehealth)

Psychology and Hearing

tel: 0411 196 956

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